Saturday, January 27, 2018

Love’s Dazzling Glitter by May Agnes Fleming

Love’s Dazzling Glitter - A sequel to "Carried by storm"

Love’s Dazzling Glitter - A novel by May Agnes Fleming. Author of "Wedded, Yet no Wife," "A Wonderful Woman," "Silent and True," "Norine's Revenge," "Carried by Storm." The ideal romances of American life, published in the New Eagle Series.

With the rising of the morning's frosty sun, Joanna's new life in the city may be fairly said to begin.
It was rather late. She descended to the room with cooking stove, which the kitchen, parlor, dining room, and children's sleeping room inclusive. The little black stove so superheated it that the windows were open. Two or three pots of hardy rose geraniums flourished on the sills. They made a pleasant spot of color to the country girl's eyes, with their vivid green leaves and pink blossoms. Sunlight found the room tidy as lamplight. Mrs. Gibbs stood over a tub in the corner, washing, a little boy and girl of five toddled about, each with a doll made out of a bottle. This the home scene that greeted Joanna.
"Good morning," Mrs. Gibbs said. "How did you rest, my dear?"

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